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Identifying Central Auditory Processing Disorder, abbreviated CAPD, is tough for several reasons. The condition isn’t because the child cannot hear words and phrases being directed at them, but because their brains are unable to process and interpret the words and comprehend them, which implies that standard hearing tests do not always detect CAPD. Another reason it is hard to identify is because kids often develop advanced coping mechanisms. These kids can be pros at reading lips or using expressions to conceal their condition.

CAPD treatment is difficult for the exact same reasons that the detection is challenging. Any individual treating a child with CAPD needs to be conscious of these traits and work around them. There is at present no sure-fire cure for CAPD, and treatment of the disorder must,out of necessity, be personalized and adapted to the capabilities and limits of each CAPD patient. But there are treatment protocols that seem to work, which can greatly improve the developmental prognosis of kids with Central Auditory Processing Disorder.

CAPD therapy falls into 3 main categories: environmental change, direct treatment and compensatory strategies.

  • Compensatory Strategies – The group of methods including problem-solving, memory, attention and language improvement skills is called compensatory strategies. These particular therapies give students better living techniques and skills which allow them to realize success at learning, and also teach them to be accountable for their own academic success. Techniques and strategies of this type consist of exercises in solving word problems and active listening.
  • Environmental Change – Because background noise considerably hampers an individual with CAPD’s ability to comprehend speech, decreasing the degree of environmental noise via soundproofing (curtains, acoustic tiles and wall hangings) can help. Amplifying voices in the school room is also effective; the instructor dons a microphone and the CAPD student wears a tiny receiver that raises the instructor’s voice to make it more distinguishable from other speakers or sounds. One more environmental modification is better lighting. A well lit face is easier for an individual with Central Auditory Processing Disorder to read for cues.
  • Direct Treatment – Direct treatment refers to the use of computer-aided learning programs and 1-to-1 therapy sessions to capitalize on the brain’s inherent plasticity, its ability to reinvent itself, and construct new ways of processing and thinking. These treatment methods typically consist of, at home, in therapy sessions or in the classroom, the usage of Scientific Education’s “Fast ForWord” software or Hasbro’s “Simon” game to help pupils to improve the discrimination, sequencing, and processing of acoustic inputs. Other forms of direct treatment use dichotic training (to train children to hear multiple sounds in different ears and still process them accurately), or use Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s “Earobics” program to enhance phonological awareness.

The good news is that there are therapy possibilities for kids with CAPD. However, an early accurate diagnosis is extremely important to the success of many of these methods. If you have additional questions about Central Auditory Processing Disorder diagnosis and therapy options, commentary ask any of us. In the event that our terrific staff can’t help you we can help refer you to the very best local resources.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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