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If you have hearing loss, then you have a reason to rejoice. It turns out that a new approach to hearing aids is looking to completely change the way that the hearing industry functions. This new type of hearing aid, called brain hearing, is a more specific way to target hearing loss and give the user the ability to hear precise levels of sound like never before. You can forget about all of the older models of hearing aids with their ugly, clunky configurations, and look forward to a brand new way of correcting your hearing.

What Is Brain Hearing?

Brain hearing is a process that uses specific levels of sound to induce hearing within the individual’s brain. These function in a way that is completely unlike older models of hearing aids that simply tried to make all of the sound in the area loud enough to be heard by the user. It uses specifically targeted levels of sound to make hearing more comfortable and natural for the user. By delivering only some sound into the ear canal instead of all of them, the brain will not be as susceptible to processing exhaustion seen in older model hearing aids. In short, brain hearing takes high quality sounds from specific sources and lets those into the inner ear, and nothing else.

How Do Brain-Focused Hearing Aids Work?

Brain focused hearing aids work by taking in some sounds from the environment, amplifying them, and sending them into the ear canal so that they can be interpreted by the brain. This may sound similar to other models, but a brain hearing aid is different in that it only takes in the sound that the inner ear is not able to process on its own. This means the hearing aid is meant to make up for your specific hearing shortcomings rather than take in all sound indiscriminately. This offers four great advantages for the listener:

  1. Sound Filtering: a brain hearing aid can filter out sounds from the environment so that you are not inundated with noises.

  2. Sound Focus: the brain hearing can focus on specific sounds, like speech, even in a place where other noises are happening.

  3. Speech Recognition: brain hearing aids can focus on speech so that you have more fulfilling conversations.

  4. Spatial Recognition: People with brain hearing aids can use their devices to find out where things are located in the space around them.

What People Are Saying:

People are benefitting from bringing hearing aids in many ways. As a result they have tried to support this item in its early stages. Currently there are many studies are being done in order to show just how effective they are compared to older models of hearing aids. Right now, brain hearing Aids have a 95% approval rate with people who use the devices. People who use older models of hearing aids only have a 79% approval rate. This shows that bring hearing aids are preferred much more than their or counterparts.

How To Get A Brain Hearing Aid

Getting a brain hearing aid is not something that you can do in a single afternoon. You need to go to a licensed audiologist and give them a chance to measure your hearing abilities so that they have a chance to program your device to meet your specific needs. After all, everyone’s brain is a little different. When you have the brain hearing aid, you will see why it was worth the wait, as you will have access to greater levels of sounds that ever before.


The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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