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Man getting a hearing test and annual hearing check up to make sure his hearing aids work.

You continue to go to the eye doctor every year if you have glasses, right? Because your eyes can change with time. The fact is, nothing in your body is static, not your eyes and not, the reality is, neither are your ears. That’s the reason why, just as it is with your eyes, it’s necessary to keep having your ears examined even after you buy a nice pair of hearing aids.

Unfortunately, many people miss those regular checkups. It’s easy to forget to go in to consult with your hearing care specialist because you’ve been occupied with enjoying your life. Or perhaps lately, work has been stressful. You may even be so satisfied with your hearing aids that you just didn’t feel you need to go back in. You would normally consider that to be a positive thing.

For the majority of individuals with hearing impairment, even one follow-up appointment becomes nearly more important over time. Despite that, ongoing care is often ignored. According to one survey, only 33% of seniors with hearing aids also used regular hearing services.

Once You Have Hearing Aids, is it Actually Imperative to go in For Examinations?

Your hearing is not static. It changes over time. It’s significant to modify the hearing aids to resolve those changes. Occasional testing helps monitor any variations in hearing and catch issues early.

And that isn’t even the only reason why it might be a good idea to maintain scheduled checkups with a hearing professional once you start wearing your hearing aids. Here are a few reasons why you need to show up for your hearing examinations:

  • Hearing deterioration: Even if you use a hearing aid, your hearing could continue to deteriorate. If this deterioration is happening over a long period of time, you most likely won’t know it’s taking place without the assistance of a hearing evaluating. Appropriate alterations to your hearing aids can often slow hearing declines.
  • Hearing aid calibration: While your general hearing health may continue to be stable, small differences in your hearing could create the need for yearly adjustments of your hearing aid. Without this calibration, your hearing aids may slowly become less and less reliable.
  • You may need to be refit: The way the hearing aid fits in your ears will shift due to the consistent change in your ear. Regular exams can help assure that your hearing aids keep fitting the way they’re made to.
  • It’s crucial to get your hearing aids cleaned professionally from time to time as well as monitoring changes in your hearing. We can clean all the small components and keep your hearing in top notch conditions and make sure it’s working at it’s best performance.

    If You Don’t Follow up With Routine Check Ups There is a Consequence

    If you get frustrated with your hearing aids, say because they aren’t working the way you expected them to, you may simply discontinue using them and that would be a problem. Wearing hearing aids helps you hear better, without a doubt, but it also affects your general health. You might not notice it immediately, but your hearing could deteriorate faster if you stop wearing your hearing aids. Neglected hearing loss has been associated with various health concerns such as mental decline and increased danger of accidents.

    In terms of having your hearing aids working at an optimal level, regular exams are your best choice. Yearly hearing examinations or screenings can help you be certain your hearing aids are performing as they should and that your hearing is protected. So call now for an appointment.

    The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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