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There are many different forms of technology that have emerged over the last ten years that have been able to help people who suffer from hearing loss. Among these are cochlear implants and digital implants for people who have trouble hearing. However, there are also several hearing aid supplemental technologies that have emerged, most notably in the area of cell phones. In this article, we will examine the different means that cell phone companies are using to help people who suffer from hearing loss.

Smartphones: The Future Of Hearing Health

One of the greatest advancements in the battle against hearing loss has been the smartphone. While some people may not see the immediate connection, there is certainly a great ability to use these devices to help people who suffer from hearing loss. First, most of these phones come equipped with a powerful telecoil and anti-static device built into them, allowing people with hearing aids to make calls without suffering from excruciating feedback. There have also been many applications introduced to help people get better and more thorough notifications on their phone. These apps make use of the powerful vibration centers and LED lights fitted to the latest models in order to help people hear and see their phone going off when they get an email, text, or call.
Yet, the greatest victory of smartphone technology is the fact that it comes with the ability to allow greater interface between the hearing device and its user. Many of the latest smartphones that have been designed by companies like Apple have integrated the hearing aid controls into their smartphones for some designs. This allows the wearer to control everything from the amount of volume in hearing aid to the level of base that they wish to allow through the device. With the ability to control their hearing from the palm of their hands, people with hearing loss are overjoyed by the new privacy and abilities offered by technology. However, it is important to see just how far this tech has come in a short time.

Cell Phones- Early Models

Cell phone technology was ahead of its time from the initial handsets. The cell phone models came equipped with a telecoil that allowed for clearer and louder phone conversations for people wearing hearing aids. This also established the telecoil rating system that is still used today to designate the most effective devices in phone on a scale from 1-4. This also prompted the hearing aid compatibility rating for phone devices, which is still noted on most cell phone packages today to help the user make smart buying decisions for their needs. With this as a base and the modern devices being nothing short of incredible, it is easy to see why cell phones are revolutionizing the hearing aid industry today.

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